English فارسی

Gas transmission hits all-time record high

TEHRAN, Feb. 02 (MNA) – Managing Director of Iran Gas Transmission Company Saeed Tavakoli said that total gas transmission volume in the country exceeded 755 million cubic meter/day which is an unprecedented record in all-time gas transfer history of the country.

Turning to the gas transmission volume in the recent days due to steep decline of temperature in most parts of the country, he said, “given the significant gas consumption volume in the country, gas transfer has also increased in nationwide gas transmission pipeline, the volume of which surpassed 755 million cubic meter/day.

As mentioned in above, the growing trend of gas transmission in the country has been unique of its kind in nationwide gas transfer pipeline, he reiterated.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the managing director added, “fast, correct and timely gas transfer to the cities and villages of the country is an important and vital issue which was implemented under the unflinching and unsparing efforts of industrious staff and laborers of gas industry of the country.”

He put the gas transmission capacity in the country in 36,000-km gas transfer pipeline at 800 million cubic meter and said, “up to the present time, 750 million cubic meter had been used, the volume of which increased in recent days due to the low temperature of weather in most parts of the country.”


author: D-Ezatiyan - Date: 2/3/2018